Sobremesa is a Spanish word to describe the time spent around the table after a meal, talking to the people you shared the meal with; a time to digest both food and friendship.
Sobremesa Magazine is a short, occasional publication that features stories, musings, and art from folks from around the world. Its goals are to provide:
lighthearted reading and visuals +
different perspectives and introductions to other cultures and lifestyles +
...and to encourage people to explore their creative interests.
You won't find this magazine in an online format as we find it super important (and relaxing!) to hold the paper in your hands. It's a great edition for your coffee table and/or to lazily read in the park or cafe. We recommend stashing it in your bag to pull out during your public transport commute or lunch break as it truly is designed to be relaxing.
Based in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Published, curated, designed by Rylie Miltenberger since 2017.